Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Truth About...Me!

Another reason why I picked the name Tried and Truth Beauty is because I have a penchant for seeking out new products, ideas, and experiences.

I never mentioned this before but I am also a freelance makeup artist. I don't bring it up too often because I am still a work in progress. The day to day life that I lead doesn't afford me much time to devote to honing my craft but I promised myself that in 2009 I would attack it with a renewed vigor by continuing my at home studies and also expanding my knowledge with additional classes.

I invite you to follow me on my journey to reaching a level of artistry that I am proud of. I will share updates on my progress and give info on what I learn along the way. In order to start off this journey I would like to share a pic (more to come) of me on set of my first feature film! I was the lead artist on the movie Hard to Find, which is being released in May of this year. I am so very excited and feel so blessed to have been given this opportunity. The producers are now like family to me and I look forward to working with them on future products. Check out the trailer and let me know if you want to come to the premiere!


On set with the beautiful and talented Saudade Stranger aka Sasha!

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