
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Diary of an MUA: AOFMakeup, Moncler & Michael...DeVellis

backstage at Moncler Grenoble
In early January I accepted a challenge.  I had purchased Crystal Wright's '30 Days at 100 Percent: Changing Your Life 30 Days at a Time' back in September and hadn't even cracked it open.  Well around the new year a fellow PYP Graduate posted that she wanted a partner to start the 30/100 program.  I responded that I was up for it and so we set up a conference call for that following Sunday.  I had about 4-5 days to get ready for that first call and you know what I did?  Absolutely nothing.  I didn't even really know where the book was at that very second.  Well I did end up finding the book the next day but I still procrastinated until the day of our call to cram the first 4 chapters.  Part of the homework was to write down 3 goals to achieve in the first 30 days and share them with your partner, so because I took my time and waited until the last minute I just threw out some random goals: get signed with an agency, work New York Fashion Week and continue to work on my portfolio.
waiting models...

I had no idea how I was going to achieve any of these things and truth be told I kinda had a blah attitude about doing it but once I talked to my partner I knew I couldn't BS my way through this.  I now had someone to hold me accountable.  

craft services

For those that do not know I was super busy the last couple of weeks in January up until this week (I still have 2 gigs to do this week!) and that is because I got signed with an agency, worked not only New York Fashion Week but Mercedes Benz New York Fashion Week and FINALLY after four years of freelancing have a physical portfolio to show industry decision makers!

I know for a fact that I could not have done any of this without my 30/100 book and partner.  I would still be half-assin' it.  In addition to those achievements I also got the opportunity to travel back to NY this past weekend to assist one of my fav makeup artists on a music video!  Awesome experience in which I learned a lot.  You have to wait for that one though, I will share once the video is released.  Yes the artist (both recording and makeup) is well known.  :)

But I am off subject.  This particular post is about my first day which wasn't even on my schedule initially for Fashion Week.  I learned of the opportunity the day before via Michael DeVellis of The Powder Group, submitted my info and got my confirmation to participate less than 2 hours later.  I was to be a part of the team of artists from the Academy of Freelance Makeup working the Moncler Grenoble show, which was a presentation of oh I don't know, 200+ people who were performing at Central Park Ice Skating Rink!  And yes they ALL needed makeup.  Once we finished everyone, our Key MUA Michelle Webb of AOFM London selected some of us to go with the performers to Central Park to do touch-ups and to my delight I was selected!  Here are more images from that day via my perspective as well as the actual show.

Spotted some of the clothing being brought in when we arrived

team watching the demo for the look

My MUA boo Shida in action!

from our Key's kit-adding to mine ASAP!

touch up team headed to Central Park!

I knew we had arrived once we started seeing the Central Park love buggie brigade

Headed to our location within the park

I had maybe 2 hours of sleep that day and it shows!  Here are Shida and I with our Key MUA, Michelle from London


thats a wrap!  headed uptown to get some SLEEP...and watch the rest of the Grammys :)


  1. I am so proud of you Shana!!! This is simply amazing!!!!!!!

  2. Thank you Amina! God's favor, I am telling you.

  3. Shana, you deserve all the best. God is great!!
