
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Diary of an MUA...My 1st big commercial shoot

As I sit here waiting on my next subject to arrive I realized that its been a while since I've done a "diary" post. 

This doesn't mean I haven't been fact it means just the opposite, I've been a bit too busy to blog about my now full time freelance career.

As mentioned above, today I am on set with probably the biggest photographer I've worked with thus far.  His clients range from The Westin, to American University to Verizon.  I was actually recommended for this opportunity by a future client.  We haven't even worked together yet but they thought enough of me from our initial meeting to suggest me for the gig.

This just drives home the point even further that first impressions are everything! 

Not only will I get added experience to my resume, the opportunity to work with a well respected photographer in the field that I want to focus on with my artistry, but this is also the first time I am earning my full day rate.  It was offered with no hesitation, no haggling, no problem...

I think back to when the doubt began to creep in about a month or so ago when the savings were depleted and I wasnt sure this freelance thing would pan out and I am thankful that I hung in there, that my core support system always has my back and continues to push me forward.  This week, in one week,  I made what I wouldve made in two weeks at my old job after taxes.  Thats major...

I know there is an ebb and flow to this industry but I sm confident im on the right path.  I share this not to brag or boast, I hope that if you have been reading my blog for a while that you know thats not who I am as a person, I share to encourage and let you know that it is doable people, just hang in there.

I leave you with a pic of todays set up of foundation, powders and neutrals (havent had to use shadow even once today so far!)


  1. Congrats, Shana! I know that you're happy to be a full-time MUA... I would love to do it full-time and make what I make at my job now, like you.

    Time will tell, I will hang in there though. Will you be posting any pics of the shoot on the blog? I hope so!
