
Monday, April 9, 2012

Diary of an MUA: My kit for Barbados

My beauty boo Shida asked me yesterday how I packed my kit for this trip and I know if the shoe were on the other foot I would want to know the same thing.  So thank you Shida for the idea of this post.

After speaking with my mentor/advisor for this film I knew I had to pack smart.  Thankfully I have been a bit obsessive with condensing my kit lately, to the point where I can now fit my hair AND makeup kit in my Zuca backpack.

I didnt want to bring my Zuca this time though.  As most of my friends who I have traveled with know, I do NOT like to check bags, and to me flying out if the country for almost a month is no exception.

So I did some research beforehand of course.  A video from Ren helped a bit ( but for the most part I had to figure it out.

The cast is fairly large and varied but most are pretty young which means great skin, SCORE for me but you know as a makeup artist you still have to do the "just in case" packing.

The pictures should tell it better than I can, I show you everything laid out, then all packed up, but here are a few things to note:

•After bringing what I thought was absolutely necessary, I still overpacked

•I sacrificed clothing options so that my kit would fit in my suitcase, I will be on set most of the time, being cute is secondary

•3 bags yes, but the brown cross body bag was empty and folded in the tote for travel, once I arrived I took it out. On the flight the tote served as my personal item (you are allowed 1 carry on and 1 personal)

•I was the very first person in line to go through TSA at 4:30a when I left and indeed was asked if I had any liquids and I was honest in telling them that I had makeup remover (all liquids were in the required clear 3 oz containers), but I think my timing helped me

•When I arrived and had to go through customs I did declare the makeup, again I wanted as smooth a trip as possible, but I didnt have any issues, no money needed

•I have not used the hair kit once

•The Inglot palette and the small clear Powder Group bag are for my personal makeup items

•The 2 clear set bags -1 was a gift from Shida herself yay!  Thats the one with the handles.  The other is from The Powder Group that I got from The Makeup Show last year.  Both are awesome.

•I show the pics of my bags so that you can see what size my bag had to be to not only get on the flight without checking it and to fit in the overhead compartment.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.  :)


  1. Your kit size is impressive. I have packed more for a weekend jaunt. lol

  2. WOW!!! Very Impressive!! Thanks for the shout out and post!!! Love! Love! Love! Lol
